Blanco County Friends of the Night Sky


March 2023

Issue 36
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>>> 117 supporting members ---- 822 Facebook Group members ---- 426 Instagram followers <<<


Annual Star Party

April 25th is the evening of our annual Membership Gathering and Star Party. Terri & Larry Seiler have very generously allowed us to hold the party at their Los Senderos Ranch located at 8409 N. US Highway 281, Blanco, TX. We’ll start at 7:30 pm with a celebration of the one-year anniversary of the city of Blanco becoming an International Dark Sky Community. While waiting for it to get dark enough for the Star Party, we’ll let you know what we’ve been doing this past year.

Refreshments will be served. We sure hope you can join us!



The BCFNS Art Contest is underway as we speak. Blanco County Middle School and High School students have begun to work on their entry for this year’s contest. “Solar Eclipse” is the theme, and we can’t wait to see what the students create. We are always in awe of the entries. We hope to give you the first peak of their art at the Star Party on April 25th. Don’t miss it!



BCFNS member, David Loose, is displaying his astrophotography prints at a local winery. They are 20x30 prints on metal and showcase the details of dark sky objects beautifully. The images were all taken from Blanco’s dark skies and are a great reminder why we want to keep the skies dark!

Visit Adëga Vinhö Winery soon and enjoy seeing them with a glass of great wine! The winery is located at 1000 Ranch Rd 1623, Stonewall, TX.

David Loose art



It seems like a good idea to introduce you to other night sky groups across the Hill County. There are now 12 groups and 4 others across Texas. In upcoming newsletters this year we will introduce you to some of the people involved. If you would like to know more about these groups you can find them on our website at Hill Country Friends of the Night Sky or go directly to our website and click on Groups. There is also information there on how to form your own group. This month we’ll let Larry Wells of Comal County Friends of the Night Sky tell you about himself and CCFNS.


Larry Wells

Hello Night Sky Friends, Larry Wells here, President of Comal County Friends of the Night Sky. I’ve been asked to share a little about myself and how Canyon Lake Friends of the Night Sky became Comal County Friends of the Night Sky. I grew up in Dallas before light pollution was a known problem. In the summer we would lay outside, while the house cooled down, and gaze at the stars. Dad would point out the constellations and try to explain the vastness of the universe, forever, infinity, and numbers too big for a five-year-old to grasp. I have appreciated those times and the amazing wonder of the night skies ever since. My hobbies growing up were building go carts, mini-bikes, short wave radios, and hot rods. This turned into a short career of busting knuckles as an auto mechanic. Meteor Showers are one of my favorite Night Sky Wonders. Two of the finest were the Perseids shower in 1984. About 50 people were parked on a dirt road in the country outside Waxahachie. I can still see the huge Bolide streak right across the sky in front of all of us. I can still hear the loud “OH WOW” that followed. In case you don’t know, a Bolide is an exceptionally bright meteor or a fireball. The other great meteor shower was the Geminids around 2002. On a cold December night my wife, Judy and I set up in the middle of a farmers plowed field south of Waxahachie. We counted over 225 meteors in two hours! But, I’m getting ahead of myself…

In the mid-70’s Judy and I moved to Austin where I continued working as an auto mechanic. In the early 80’s I began a new job as a Research and Development Tech at Jet Industries, an electric car manufacturer. When Jet ran out of juice we moved to Waxahachie where I spent the next 30 plus years working for a retail food equipment supplier in Dallas. My electronics hobby was put to good use installing and maintaining automated equipment in grocery stores around the DFW area. The company grew from one office in Dallas to six offices in Texas. I sourced and maintained their IT, phone systems, and other communications systems. An opportunity opened in our San Antonio office allowing me to move to Canyon Lake in 2014. I spent the next 5 years installing and maintaining equipment all over the South-Central Texas area before retiring. When we first moved to Canyon Lake, we could still see the Milky Way, since then it is, for the most part, gone. I wasn’t the only one in the area frustrated with the city lights moving to the country.

TO BE CONTINUED… Be sure to check back next month for “the rest of the story”.


By Stefanie Wright

As a new member of the Blanco County Friends of the Night Sky (August 2022) I was curious about the monthly member meetings. 9AM on a weekday can be tough for folks but I am so glad I finally made the effort to attend a meeting!

I was struck by the congeniality of the group and the friendly welcome extended to me. The agenda for the meeting was detailed and packed with items for discussion. It was informative to know what funds were available to the organization and to hear how the funds were earmarked for upcoming events and initiatives.

We had a special cameo appearance at the meeting. Dirk Jordan, of the Gillespie County Friends of The Night Sky and Legal Advisor to BCFNS joined the discussion. It was encouraging to know that there are many people who care about the night sky out there and are interested in getting involved with multiple ways to protect this “natural resource.” In fact, a couple approached us after overhearing our excited conversation about the upcoming Member Star Party in April, they wanted to know where the party was and if they could attend! The ever gracious and informative Wayne Gosnell found out they live in Comal County and suggested they might want to join that active and robust Friends of The Night Sky community.

The meeting inspired me to remember how much people can achieve when they have common goals and ideals, and that even if we don’t approach challenges in the same way we can work together and collaborate to make positive change. For example, Bob wanting to “name names” in the paper of our worst lighting offenders may not be the most diplomatic first step to encourage them to upgrade their lighting, but I appreciate your gusto and chutzpah Bob! And I am ready to join in the fight to conquer these lighting monsters. The meeting offered lots of opportunities to get involved at different levels with the group, and I am happy to now be a part of the planning and activities at the upcoming member’s party.

Oh, and The El Charro's breakfast tacos looked delicious so I absolutely must attend next month’s meeting and sample a few!



Linda Whitlow, BCFNS Board Member, presented our Membership Sign to Luis Ramirez, our newest member. Luis approached us with a profit sharing arrangement involving the sale of his line of Deep in the Dark of Texas™ night sky themed clothing which is available to order on the BCFNS website at: Merchandise. The membership and sign are our way to thank Luis. He told Linda that he “would proudly display his sign” at his residence. Luis operates the Rio Blanco Café at Tillman Resort which is located at 1705 FM 165.

Luis Ramirez

You can also display our membership sign; it is the best publicity the night sky can have. We are currently offering a free one-year membership ($20) with the purchase of a sign ($35 tax included). This offer is available for new members and for those renewing their membership. More information on all our membership options can be found at Membership Options and here’s the link for our sign: Membership Signs

Remember we are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Please consult your accountant or tax adviser for details regarding deductibility for your donation.



Larry Seiler, our Treasurer and Webmaster, has created a new tab on the website entitled “News.” Sub-tabs are “Newsletters” and “BCFNS in the News.”


Next Business & Brainstorming Session

Board Meeting

Our next meeting will be Wednesday, April 19th @ 9:00AM, at El Charro Restaurant in Johnson City. If you would like to attend via Zoom, just let us know a few days ahead of time so we can make arrangements. Contact us at


Remember we are a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. Please consult your accountant or tax adviser for details regarding deductibility for your donation.